Monthly Archives: December 2012

Installing TinyOS on ubuntu

Hey friends,

I have been studying Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) since my Summer  project (May- July 2012). I was working on TinyOS 1.x on windows xp.Since I am doing my final year project as a continuation of summer project.Now to do that I have to install TinyOS on ubuntu 11.10.Here are the steps to follows:

Now you can try these steps to install tinyos and get started with wireless sensor networking. Here, I have tried installing tinyos-2.1.1, you can choose accordingly:

1. To edit the sources list, open the terminal and type:
$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

add this line at the end of the file opened
deb natty main
“natty” is the type of ubuntu distribution.

2. Run a couple of commands to update and install tinyos
$ sudo apt-get update

     $ sudo apt-get install tinyos-2.1.1

3. Then we need to change the environmental variables. For this we open the .bashrc file

$ gedit ~/.bashrc

and paste the following lines to the bashrc file.
export TOSROOT=/opt/tinyos-2.1.1
export TOSDIR=$TOSROOT/tos
export CLASSPATH=$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar:.:$CLASSPATH
export MAKERULES=$TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules
export PATH=/opt/msp430/bin:$PATH
#Sourcing the tinyos environment variable setup script
source /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/

4. We then change the owner for the tinyos installed on the system.

sudo chown yourname:yourname -R /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/

5. Finally, to check if the installation was done , run the command

$ tos-check-env

This should give the details of the components installed.

Voila we have done it 🙂 if any problems you can post a comment below.


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